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10 richest people in the world 2013

10 richest people in the world - in this day and age that sees a lot of money and possessions are everything. seriring the times from year to year around the world many emerging new rich. successful they must be accompanied by the ingenuity, hard work, and discipline.

Well, for those who penasran we will present information on the list of richest people in the world for this year, also included pictures and a little about their wealth profiles. you may already be familiar with some of the names below. if you can not wait and wonder who the richest man in the world? He is the complete list for your version of forbes magazine. . .

List of 10 Richest People in the World Version Forbes:

1. Carlos Slim Helu

                                         10 richest people in the world 2013

Carlos Slim Helu is the richest man holds 2012. In 2010, his fortune estimated at less than $ 50 million, but his net worth got a boom in the last year and now to $ 69 million. This is the fourth time he was ranked first for the world's richest people.

2. Bill Gates

                                                   10 richest people in the world 2013

Gates is the founder and chairman of Microsoft that provides a colorful display for the operating system on the computer. He was also one of the successful people who drop out of university.

Bill Gates was second with a fortune of $ 61 billion. Microsoft boss is probably the most generous person in the world. Gates has spent as much as $ 28 billion to charity, including the anticipation of an outbreak of polio in India.

3. Warren Buffet

                                    10 orang terkaya didunia

The third position is occupied by Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway investors snapper owner has a wealth of $ 44 billion. In fact, the amount of its assets fell $ 6 billion from the value of shares Berksire down seven percent.

4. Bernard Arnault

                                                  10 richest people in the world 2013

Forbes also set the French billionaire who is chairman of Moet Hennessy Louis Bernard Arnault Vuittin by the number of assets reaching $ 41 billion in the fourth richest man in the world. The advantage grew by 22 percent thanks to rising sales of Louis Vuitton and Bulgari. Bernard Arnault belong to the same industry as Amancio Ortega with opposite lifestyles. He is more fashionable than the entire fashion industry that Forbes billionaire giving him his termodis 2012.

5. Amancio Ortega

                                            10 richest people in the world 2013

Then the fifth position in the world's richest treasure there Amanciio Ortega with as much as $ 37.5 billion. Ortega retreated from his position as chairman of the global fashion company, Inditex in July 2011. Company stock prices rose significantly, and that his income rose to become $ 6.5 billion.

Amancio Ortega Gaona is a fashion entrepreneur with interests in luxury items, but he does not look too fashionable. Although she has the fashion industry but she has not been seen in public wearing a tie. He is the richest man in Spain with a net worth of $ 37.5 billion.

6. Larry Ellison

                                        10 richest people in the world 2013

Larry Ellison garbs ranked 6th among the richest people on the planet. He is from the United States where he is ranked third richest man in the U.S.. He was also among the thousands of rich people who drop out of university. She loves to play sports, especially tennis and also has a private jet.

with as much as $ 36 billion fortune. Oracle's stock price seems to be quite bright. Sales companies are also quite positive with growth of up to 15 percent and make a treasure Ellison grew $ 3.5 billion.

7. Eike Batista

                                         10 richest people in the world 2013

Eike Batista was the seventh position, employers Brazilian mining and oil with possessions as much as $ 30 billion. He is also the richest man in Brazil. He has oil company OGX Petroleo Egas. The value of the 61 percent stake in the company reached $ 19.8 billion. In addition to oil, he also has a gold mining business. His net worth is about half of the richest people in 2012, but he aims to overtake that position in the future.

8. Stefan Persson

                                                   10 richest people in the world 2013

Then there are Stefan Persson eighth with a fortune of $ 26 billion. He is the founder of H & M, a company that produces Versace and Marni who now has 2,500 stores in 43 countries. Persson has approximately five million shares in the company, and he gave as many as four million shares to its employees, is worth $ 150 million. He holds shares his fashion clothing company H & M was established 65 years ago.

9. Li Ka-shing

                                          10 richest people in the world 2013

Other employers in the list of world's richest person, Li Ka-shing, the original Chinese. He was 83 years old with a passion for getting more and more to this he was heading tow multinational companies today. He was the son of a teacher but dropped out of school. This man is a source of income in the carriage of goods by sea to all parts of the world. He had as many as 270 thousand employees in 53 countries, she worked seven residences in Hong Kong. Huctchison Port Holdings controlled 13 percent of the container market in the world.

10. Karl Albrecht

                                                 10 richest people in the world 2013

Tenth position was Karl Albrecht, the German businessman's fortune at $ 25.4 billion. He has a supermarket, Aldi Sud whose value is now in for $ 39 billion. This Supermarkets have 4,500 stores, including 1,200 stores in 32 states of the United States (U.S.). Germany's richest man, Karl Albrecht, is the 10th richest person on the planet.

Well, how? that was a bit of info on the list of the 10 richest people in the world's newest version of forbes magazine. they managed to become the richest man in the world would be accompanied by a great struggle. even so, with a nominal abundant wealth trillions, they still did not forget to share and work. a commendable action that we need an example of course.


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