Understanding and explanation of Chitika and how do I register at Chitika? Chitika (chih-Ti-ka) is a program of PPC (Pay Per Click) like Google Adsense but has some very significant differences. chitika is not as tightly as google adsense or Innity. so your blog will be easily accepted as a publisher. Surely you must qualify as a publisher in order to be accepted by chitika. These advantages that Chitika is making it very suitable for the novice publisher that has no traffic which is too high. Enough with 10,000 impressions/months the program has been run. However you must optimize your Blog for SEO Friendly and achieve the target of 10,000 impressions/month. Click the value depends on the impression the chitika blog. but the value of clicks will be very high if the visitor came from selected countries, especially USA and Canada. even sometimes the ads will not appear if the visitor comes from indonesia. but still many bloggers choice chitika to make money from blog they ...