Talking about blogging tips and tricks, of course, all related to SEO. Well, if we discuss SEO certainly is not separated from the backlink. we are obliged to find backlinks as much but still with limitations and how reasonable way of course.
Well the best way to find backlinks for each article we are through social bookmarking dofollow status. certainly very much a social bookmarking scattered on the internet. but each site has an different pagerank. nah I have outlined below a list dofollow social bookmarking latest and greatest 2013 with the highest pagerank course.

List of 10 Best 2013 Dofollow Social Bookmarks in Indonesia :
1. Lintas Me (
2. InfoGue (
3. Berita Gue (
4. Sentra Solo (
5. Indofeed (
6. Debuk (
7. BertanyaSeo (
8. Bookmark Indonesia (
9. Bagi Url (
10. Populerkan (
Well, that was the best dofollow social bookmarking list that I can share to you. list above has pagerank is different, but the above list of 10 is the best and you should make a place to submit your articles in order to hunt backlinks.
tambah juga ini kak,
mudah pakainya,, monggo di coba :)
ada list sosbok
BalasHapusmakasih ya :)