WEEP! Raise your fist aloft and myself regretted: "I Really?". Drop down to the floor and strike the floor with soulful: "The Hell finally just put it this way instead?" If necessary, you raging and sambunglah with the stream of tears while crying over cruel deeds of mankind. If you can not cry, the English Patient movie rental let tears flow profusely. LET THE SADNESS STRUCK You can mourn. This is better than harbored feelings. It's just that, try to stick to behave graciously. Don't be glum plasticity in his presence. Acting like a soap opera performers are not sad no effect for others. TELL YOUR GRIEF on close friends or family. If you say no one who understands the situation, you are wrong. We've all experienced a traumatic breakup, so we all understand and want to forget it. But don't you feel muntahkan on everyone you meet. The origin of know it, many people often do not care abo...