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List of 13 Richest Football Club in the World

The most prestigious financial magazine in the U.S. and the world, Forbes released a list of the richest football club under the sun. British elite club, Manchester United, still was asked to be the richest clubs with mempunyaivalue more than 2 billion dollars, or about Rp 20 trillion more.

The success of the Red Devils defend his position could not be separated from the increased value the club an estimated 20 percent. In a matter of Forbes, MU is now worth 2.24 billion U.S. dollars or 1.7 billion euros, or around Rp 20.4 trillion! The increase in value is not separated from the success of Sir Alex Ferguson through the Champions League final last season.

In second and third place entrenched two Spanish giants Real Madrid and Barcelona. Los Blancos claimed to have a turnover of 1.88 billion dollars (1.43 billion euros), or around Rp 17.1 trillion, a number that rose 29 percent over the previous season. Meanwhile, Los Blaugrana recorded the largest increase, 34 percent, where its turnover amounted to 1.31 billion U.S. dollars (998 million euros), or around Rp 11.9 trillion.

"A large number of Manchester United supporters worldwide are estimated at 330 million contributed to make the club as the team's most valuable compared to other sports clubs, where the value of 385 million U.S. dollars more than Major League Baseball, New York Yankees, and the National Football clubs League, Dallas Cowboys, "kataForbes.

"Throughout the season, Manchester United earned 192 million U.S. dollars from television revenue, up 22 percent compared to last season. The success of the club advanced to the Champions League final, which finally defeated Barcelona, ​​won the UEFA additional funds amounting to 80 million U.S. dollars. Challenge to raise revenue for the club this season since they were knocked out early in the Champions League group stage, "said Forbes.

Here are 13 Forbes richest football club (in U.S. dollars)


1. Manchester United - 2.235 billion
2. Real Madrid - 1.877 billion
3. Barcelona - 1.307 billion
4. Arsenal - 1.292 billion
5. Bayern Munich -1.235 billion
6. AC Milan - 989 million
7. Chelsea -761 million
8. Liverpool - 619 million
9. Juventus - 591 million
10. Schalke 04 - 587 million
11. Tottenham Hotspur - 564 million
12. Manchester City - 443 million

And dont forget to read indonesia version of this article in daftar 10 klub sepakbola terkaya di dunia


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